Unselfish God
The collection of writers that make up The Holy Bible dare to tell the story of an unselfish God. And a creation story that scientists are still trying to figure out. A universe that seems to have no end and scientists think it is still growing. And Mankind in this universe has no equal. No other being has the full gamut of Mankind’s capabilities. This Holy Bible claims we were created in the image of God which explains our strange position in our universe.
But we failed God’s simplest tests of our love and obedience to Him. And in this first failure, God provides a sneak peek into “The Greatest Event in the History of Mankind”, Genesis chapter 3 verse 15b, “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel”. A peek at God’s Son’s sacrifice for all the failures of Mankind. This “Unselfish God” that gave Mankind free will would provide Mankind with a simple way to have all our failures forgotten, that is forgiven by God if we trust in Son, Jesus.
Salvation! We celebrate Jesus and the Cross for giving us an opportunity to be part of God the Father in Heaven family.