#WWIII – Is #China planning a preemptive strike on the Continental USA?

No Word from the Lord

Before I say anything here, let me be very clear, I have not heard anything from GOD concerning this post. But the events of these days are making me believe in my gut that #China is planning a “First Strike Against The Continental USA”. Just as Japan did in #WWII, China is believing if they can deliver a significant “First Strike” against the USA, #Taiwan and the other areas they want to control will be theirs for the taking.

Let’s Review Some Facts

Yesterday, February 6, 2023 it was announced that the most recent encroachment of the Continental USA by China was the 4th or 5th in a series of encroachments. The first three occurred while Former President Donald J. Trump was in office. While all this is happening, #Russia started, and continues it’s unprovoked attempt to take #Ukraine, the start #WWIII.

I need to reference some Holy Scripture here; In Matthew 5, verse 3 the disciples ask Jesus, “… And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (biblehub.com NKJV). In Jesus’ reply, parts sound like the current news headlines; “…6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars… And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes in various places“. And as I mentioned a previous post, http://www.godsadvocate.org/is-the-fiery-red-horseman-on-the-loose/ these are markers to remind us, the world of the LORDS words. But, they may not be the actual “…beginning of sorrows” that Jesus mentions in verse 8.

Let us not forget China’s Hyper-sonic Missile test of last year, 2022. The US military did not detect it until in landed, if I recall correctly, it traveled around the World. The Communist Government in China is showing it’s true colors, ignoring promises made to Hong Kong and suppressing all who dare to oppose them. And, Xi Jinping has made it clear that he believes Taiwan is his.


Only time will tell if my gut feeling is just something I ate, or a preview of the next attach on the First 48 States of the USA.

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