The LGBTQ movement has WON


This article is intended for people who believe in God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who gave as the savior of all mankind, Jesus. For all those that chose to believe in him.

Let’s be honest, it seems as though the majority of our society has decided that the cause of the LGBTQ movement / community is equal to the cause of us descendants of slaves in the USA. It has become a civil and protected right to have sexual relations with someone of the same physical sex. But even more so, the promotion of sexual identity. Let’s just disregard nature, and the sexual organs that a person has, but we should only consider how that person feels today. Former President Obama, while in office issued a proclamation or executive ordered that demanded that all schools receiving federal funding provide and promote children choosing which bathroom they used, male or female based on what the child feels like at that time. Not based on their sexual organs, but based on their feelings.

Religious organizations that embrace and support the LGBTQ causes are praised by the media, and considered current and forwarding thinking. But those that do not are labeled hateful, backward thinking, and homophobic.

God is patient and merciful

As Christians, we must remember the story of the nation of Israel. God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, and brought Israel out of Egypt as conquers, but they had no army, nor weapons. Eventually, they were established in the promised land, and quickly after Joshua’s generation had passed, they stop following the instructions of God delivered by Moses.

In the book Judges, through the Kings, Major and Minor Prophets, we see God’s mercy displayed as he delivers Israel from calamity after calamity, as they constantly choose not to simple trust in the God that made them a nation. He divided them into two nations because of their sin, and eventually both these nations would be punished for their lack faith.

Hundreds of years, many generations, and changes in the leadership and controlling government of the region demonstrated the outcomes Moses told in Deuteronomy, if the Children of Israel did not follow the instructions from God. Scattered around the world for their lack of faith and disobedience they would eventually return to control this promised land. God’s love and patience being demonstrated.

In my life time, Jeremiah’s prophecy of the Lord saying, “Behold, I will bring them from the north country” was fulfilled as many Jewish persons were allowed to leave Russia and resettle in Israel. And this reestablishing of Israel seems in line with God’s plan for Jesus’s return.

At the day of the harvest


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