The LGBT/Q movement has WON – Part 2 – The End

At the day of the harvest

You may be familiar with Jesus’ parable of the “Wheat and the Tares”. The farmer planted good seed in his field, but an enemy made sure weeds were added to the field. So, the weeds grew up with the intended crops. One of the worker said to the farmer, do you want me pull up the weeds, and the farmer said no, let them grow together. At the day of the harvest, the weeds will pulled out, and gathered together and burned. But, the intended crops will stored safely in my barn.

What does that mean? Known sinners should be welcomed in our churches, although their roles and ability to be serve should limited. Because our Father in heaven is giving all people more time to believe and repent. And when the time appointed for Jesus’ third appearance has come. We who have believed, repented, and were baptized will be taken into Heaven with God. We must also trust in the finished work of Jesus for our salvation, and attempt to live ours lives as believers.

But people that have embraced sinful lives (as the Devil desires), and made sin seem good will be judged for their decision. And cast into the fiery pit with the Devil and his angels.

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