Straight to the Bible

In Matthew 12:31-32 (NIV), Jesus said, “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”

From our savior himself, that is the GREATEST SIN because there is no forgiveness. A sin that even the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on that cross will not erase, Jesus said not in this age are or in the age to come.

But it is not easily committed

In the paraphrased words of my resting in peace pastor, Bishop Leroy F. Nelson, “I do not believe everyone can commit this sin, only people that have actually been filled (baptized by) with the Holy Ghost can commit this sin. Everyone else would be speaking ignorantly, about something they do not understand. Our just God will not hold them to their ignorant words. But those of us that have been filled with the Holy Ghost, if we utter a foolish phrase, lying against the Holy Ghost that condemnation will fall on us.

Let me say more, once we have experienced that instance cleansing of our minds. And lose the desire to commit those forgivable sins like lying, stealing, adultery, fornication, homosexuality and so on, but we still allow ourselves to utter foolish lies against God’s Spirit, we will condemn ourselves. The Holy Spirit will keep us from falling to sinful temptations until Christ returns unless we refuse to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance and let the lust of our eyes lead us into sinful temptations.


So this sin that I call the Greatest Sin is so great because Jesus said it will not be forgiven. Then all the rest of our sins are equal because our sincere acts of repentance and the love of our Father God allows the sacrifice of Jesus to cleans them off our heavenly records forever.

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