Resurrection Day 2022

#SomethingToAbout Let’s be real, the #LGBTQ movement has become the most powerful movement in the USA, and many other parts of the world. But the root of it is sin, and it is a trick of the devil. No, it’s not the worse sin because that’s blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Spirit), but it is sin none the less. Media outlets constantly push it on us, wanting us to fully embrace it. And some of you, may be as I am, we have family members who have given into to this sin, this trick of the devil. And I pray you behave as I do, continue to love and show them love, but let them know that you do not agree with them committing this, or any other sinful acts. Can I say that it is just another sin? But then, what is sin? Sin is why Jesus died on the cross. He died to give us forgiveness of all sins, because sins separate us from right relationship with God. We Christians must continue to stand against all sins, and I am repenting right now.

So I am happy with the new Alabama policy that prevents 5th grade and below teachers from discussing sexual orientation with our children (we should be teaching them about sin, and resisting sinful temptations at home). And it prevent doctors from prescribing medicine or performing procedures to support this confusion, this trick of the devil. The Alabama Legislation and Governor finally did something I agree with 100%. In this country, grown folks (19 or older in Alabama) can do what they want to, but people should not be pushing this confusion to your children.

HAPPY RESURRECTION DAY! Knowing that this day should also reminds us that our dead bodies will also rise from the grave; some to glory (those who trust in Gods son Jesus, and repent), and some to judgement

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