Praying for President Trump

Christian obligation

As a Christian, we are all obligated to pray “for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior“, 1st Timothy 2:1-3 (NIV). If there was no other reason than this, we should be praying for President Trump. But in consideration of his alleged checkered past, and even some actions now, this POTUS needs our prayers. First of all, we should be praying that he is born again even while in office. And adding to that, we should be praying that God grants him wisdom like that given to King Solomon.

Defender of Christian Values

Moreover, President Trump has shown himself to be a defender of some of our fundamental Christian values. Such as God is the creator of life, and human life begins in the mother’s womb. In the model prayer recorded in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus tells us to pray that the Father’s (God’s) will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Too many children in their mother’s wombs are paying for the sins of other people walking around on earth. President Trump seems to be sympathetic to the plight of these unborn children.

Last word

What a great witness it will be to the mercy and power of God and his spirit that works on the earth when President Trump starts to walk like a newborn Christian. Pray with me that we see that day soon.

3 thoughts on “Praying for President Trump

  1. Betsy Carty says:

    I was lead to believe that President Trump was lead to the Lord by Franklin Graham. His Words are much cleaner.

    1. BrotherMichael says:

      Thanks for your comments. I was not aware that Franklin Graham had an audience with President Trump, and I guess I am not seeing the changes that you have observed. But I will keep praying and looking for signs of that life-changing experience in President Trump.

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