What evidence do you have for your God’s existence?


Thank you @PaulBrandITV for your question and comment to my Twitter reply (@PA_MikeWoodard)  to your tweet, “REVEALED: The church that claims God can ‘fix’ gay people. Winners Chapel tells our reporter”.  As I stated, I could not answer your question, “What evidence do you have for your God’s existence” in one tweet, so my attempt to answer is below.

What is The Bible

Well, my evidence is in The Bible and my personal experiences that have verified the biblical narrative.

So, what is The Bible? A God inspired collection of writings that have been formally and general excepted by the Jewish and Christian communities as writings with credible origins, and by credible authors. God only inspired people to write some parts of The Bible, and God does not edit these parts. So, these unedited writings, may leave the none God inspired reader with some questions about their messages. But God has dictated other parts, as in first book, Genesis, the prophets (major and minor), and the Revelation.

The Bible book of Genesis, which was written over thirty-four hundred years ago, in chapter one, speaks of the layers of our atmosphere in ways that mankind has only started to fully understand in the last two hundred years. The astronomer, Galileo thought he had an estimate of the number stars in the universe, but The Bible and Hubble telescope proved him wrong. God’s statement to Abraham in Genesis chapter fifteen and verse five proved true when the Hobble telescope showed us that the stars in heaven are innumerable. The Bible is not a fairy-tale, but it contains some scientifically verifiable facts.

Speaking of facts

And yes, my personal experiences have increased my faith in God, and The Bible that gives me a glimpse of his purpose for his creation and the love he has for us. I found Jesus statement in the book of the Acts of the Apostles chapter one to be true, we do receive power after being baptized by the Holy Spirit. That chapter records that Jesus told his handpicked disciples to go and wait in Jerusalem until they were baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit would give them power to go forth and preach the Gospel and heal the sick.

At age twenty-five, when I was also baptized by the Holy Spirit, old weaknesses to unhealthy or sinful behavior were gone. And spirit inspired readings of The Bible helped me to better understand what messages and lessons were being presented to me about God, and his great love for mankind. That love being demonstrated as God provided his own perfect sacrifice for my sins, his son Jesus.

And I have witnessed healing, in one instance a man came to the alter needing crutches to walk, but he left church caring the crutches never needing them to walk again.

God still speaks

And yes, and I have heard the voice God. Once to calm me, as I was upside down under water in a flipped over car. I heard his voice say, “hold your breath, unbuckle your seat belt, and crawl”. When the car started to flip, I called out for help by just shouting Jesus.

On another occasion, I heard him as he provided me with the interpretations of his Holy Spirit praying for me in another tongue. The prayer was “do not let him be discouraged”. I was in the fifth day of fasting and praying for my new born niece to be healed, she was born with a life threatening heart defect. She would not live passed her tenth day, and I was not discouraged. My faith in God increased, knowing that his spirit wanted me to be prepared to accept his answer of “no” to my fasting and prayers for my niece’s healing.

And I heard voice of God during my calling to the ministry. I heard God say, “I wanted you to know the people I want you to be there for, sincere people that want to know and understand me better, but they have been pushed aside and ignored for one reason or another”.


I pray this response has provide you enough information to make you want to better understand the The Bible’s message, because there will be a day that God will be revealed to every person.  But will ever person be ready to stand before him?

One thought on “What evidence do you have for your God’s existence?

  1. HB says:

    My testimony by HB

    I know God is real because before I sought to be saved, I lived in confusion and regret of choices and decisions I made in my life.

    But once I asked God to forgive me of my sins and come into my life and into my heart and make me whole, a change happened in my life and I gained peace and a new outlook on my life and how I dealt with other people. When I asked God to fill me with His Holy Spirit, I gained power to recognize the attacks of sin and how to resist evil through prayer and reading of the holy scriptures.

    I know God is real because I am no longer afraid to testify of His grace, His compassion, His love toward me and the world.

    The free will He has given us allows us to choose right or wrong. When we choose right we are rewarded, when we choose wrong (even when dealing with the consequences of wrong actions) He is there ready to forgive and guide us through to the right path He has for our life.


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