God created male and female, so who created the LGBT / Q community


Using the Bible as my primary source, I find Jesus telling people “that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’” (Mathew 19.4 NIV). Jesus was referring to the creation narrative in Genesis chapter 1 and 2.  And he was clearly bringing clarity to New Testament believers of God’s intentions for the stewards of his earth, humans.   Men and women were to form unions for their mutual benefit, support and procreation of the human race.  Sexual relations between a husband and a wife are part of God’s design.

Conflict at the beginning

But if you are a sincere believer in God, then you should also believe in the Devil.  In the Genesis’ creation narrative, the devil appears as a serpent that had the ability to talk.  The serpent questioned the instructions and guidance that God had given to Adam and Eve concerning the tree in the midst of the garden.  He encouraged Eve to disobey God’s instructions and caused Eve and Adam to lose their innocence.  They lost perfect fellowship with God.  And you better believe the Devil is alive in the world today.  He is still trying to influence us to do things against the will of God.  And anything against the will of God for your lives, causes us to lose right fellowship with God and is also against your personal well-being.

God takes action

Let’s check this out, later in the bible, in that same book of Genesis (chapters 19 and 20), God shows his displeasure with the actions of the men of Sodom and Gomorrah.  God sent two angels, appearing as men into the city to see if what God had been hearing from heaven was as bad as it sounded.  Lot, Abraham nephew befriended the angels as they entered the city, and made them abide in his house that evening.  The bible tells us that the men of the city, came to Lot’s door and demanded that he bring the men (angels appearing as men) out, so they, the men of the city could have sex with them.  Lot offered them his two virgin daughters, but they refused them and began to break his door.  But, the angels pulled Lot back into the house and struck the men at the door with blindness.  The angels told Lot to gather his family and prepare to leave the city because God sent them to destroy the city because of the actions of the people.  Men overcome with the desire to have sex with other men and so on.  After Lot, and his willing family members were safely out of the city, God sent down burning sulfur from heaven to burn the city, the people, and the fields.  These people of Sodom and Gomorrah had given themselves over to their fleshly desires, and these desires were against God’s will for the human race.  The Devil’s spirit was ruling their actions.

What about these current days

So now in these recent times, the LGBT / Q (lesbian, guy, bisexual, transsexual, and questioning or queer) community is demanding special recognition in our lives and it appears that they are getting what they want.  So, who’s agenda are they actually pushing, it is the Devil’s agenda against God intentions for the human race.  Jesus’ reference to God’s original design for human sexual relations, is the only form of sexual relations that sincere believers in God should promote.  The Devil is happy that the LGBTQ community has made so much progress in our society, but we, as sincere believers in God, should not be deceived, we must stand up for God, regardless of these societal shifts.  For our continual standing for him, will continue to make his redemption plan visible and available to all that will desire to be in right fellowship with him, through our Lord Jesus Christ.  And we must continue to teach all who will seek this right fellowship with God that there is great power to overcome the temptations in this world.  That is, after they are baptized with the Holy Spirit.  As Jesus instructed his disciples in Acts chapter 1, we should all seek this power, so we can stand as lights for God in this present world.  God bless you all, keep standing up for God.

Your Brother in Jesus Christ,

Michael Woodard

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