The HOLY BIBLE, All Inspired But Not Edited By GOD


You may ask, what are you saying? Let me explain (all Holy Bible references from NKJV Copyright © 1982 Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.).

First of all, I must say I believe we are introduced to the mind of GOD when we read the Holy Bible. From It, we find out that GOD devised a plan to replenish Heaven with angels that trust in Him. See 1st Peter 1:20, Ephesians 1:4, Revelation 13:8, and Matthew 13:35. Each verse has “Before the foundation of the world” which is an allusion to GOD’s plan to save mankind by Our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

We find that GOD allowed an angel, Lucifer, referred to as “son of the morning” in Isiah 14:12b, to start a war in Heaven that caused a third part of the angels to be cast down out of heaven with him (Revelation 12:3-9). All the while, GOD had already devised His plan to save, that is make angels of people on earth that believe and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ.

With that foundation, I proceed.

In my reading of the Holy Bible, I have found markers that confirm to me that GOD has not edited the Holy Bible. But in making His plans a hidden mystery, Matthew 11:25 has GOD allowed or maybe even moved people to write inconsistencies. So, below I present some of those markers, for your consideration.

Joseph’s Geneology

Both Apostle Mathew and Brother Luke present genealogies that point to Joseph, Mary’s espoused husband. Mathew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38. They agree between Abraham and King David but they do not cross paths between King David and Joseph.

Many believe that Brother Luke’s list is actually for Mary, which may be the case, but no manuscript nor translation that I know has evidence explicitly proving that point. Was it human error or GOD moving Apostle Mathew or Brother Luke to write an inconsistency? An inconsistency that further prevents those who think they are “wise and prudent” from seeing the truth of the Gospel, Matthew 11:25. Either way, God did not correct/edit it out, so what are we to conclude?

Paul Says Women Should Not Speak In The Churches

Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 14:34-35 says “… your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak …”. There were problems in the Corinthian church, but Paul’s text disagrees with several other texts, including his own as it relates to church conduct.

What about Prophetesses

If Apostle Paul’s statement above is meant for GOD’s Church, then what about Prophetesses? A Prophetess like a Prophet should only prophesy what is given to Them by GOD. Like Balaam in Numbers 22. So, if GOD is speaking to the Prophetess, can She not speak in church?

There is Anna, in Luke 2:36-38, She remained in the temple, and after hearing Simeon proclaim who Jesus was, She spoke of Jesus to all the people in Jerusalem who wanted to be saved. Then there are the 4 virgin daughters of Phillip, all 4 prophesied. There is nothing that says they spoke in the churches of that day, but if they did not then why did GOD bless them with this great spiritual gift?

In 1st Samuel 1:9-18, Hanan went to the temple of the LORD and prayed without her husband. Eli the priest questioned her believing she was drunk, but after hearing her response he concurred with her request. And the Great Judge Samuel was born.

Apostle Paul seems to speak against his own statement to the Corinthians, as he addresses the Galatians in Galatians 3:26-29. Specifically in verse 28, “… there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. Also in 1st Corinthians 14, verses 26-33, Apostle Paul speaks of prophesying in the church. But, then excludes the Prophetesses in verses 34-35.

What do you think, should women gifted by GOD with prophetic utterances be quiet in the churches? Is this human error or GOD’s hidden mystery, Matthew 11:25?

The Great Commission

Apostle Matthew, in Matthew chapter 28, verses 19-20 writes what we call “The Great Commission”. As spoken by Jesus to the 11 Disciples/Apostles: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age”.

Now Brother Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2, verse 38 tells us what Apostle Peter with the other Apostles says in the first execution of “The Great Commission”, “…Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”.

There seems to be a difference in the wording from Jesus in Matthew to Apostle Peter in Acts of the Apostles.

Some Christian Denominations believe that Apostle Peter and the other Apostles understood that “the name” in “The Great Commission”, Matthew 28:18 referred to Jesus, see also Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5, and Romans 6:3. So, they are trusting that the Apostles were correct and were executing Jesus’ instructions to use his name Jesus in Baptism ceremonies.

Whereas Other Christian Denominations choose to baptize using Jesus’ words verbatim, “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Ignoring the Apostles’ actions as recorded in other scriptures. Trusting that they are executing “The Great Commission” as instructed.

Again, an inconsistency that God did not remove or edit out. Human error or GOD’s hidden mystery, Matthew 11:25.


There is more than enough consistency within the Holy Bible to show us that Faith in Jesus Christ is what GOD will use to determine our worthiness to join him in Eternity/Heaven. So, you may reject or accept my thoughts here, but keep your Faith in the completed works of Jesus Christ, for that is the will of GOD our Father.

And even as I write and edit this post, I am thinking about GOD’s hidden mystery, Matthew 11:25. It is all just as GOD intended.

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