Can I touch God’s heart?

A few posts ago I attempted to satisfy a person’s challenge to prove that God exists. I am not sure if they wholly accepted my response, but this post comes from within my heart with no prompting. You see, I am convinced that the Holy Bible (Bible) gives us enough information to know God intimately, and if you keep reading I pray that I show you why I believe this; we can touch God’s heart.

Jesse’s baby boy says that the name David, referring to Jesse’s baby boy is the second most mention name in the Bible after Jesus Christ our Savoir. Well, how did that happen?

We must teach our Children

David’s faith in God did not just happen on its own, but his father, mother, grand, and great grandparents told him the stories of their lives. How God took them through happy days and tragedies. Stories about Abraham, Moses, and Joseph, how God carried them in impossible situations.

In the Bible book of Ruth, we find David’s great grandmother, Ruth. Not born of the seed of Abraham, she was a Moabite. She put her trust in the God of her mother-in-law Naomi and traveled with Naomi back to Israel to live after the Lord transitioned their husbands earlier than expected.

Ruth, walking by faith in her mother-in-law’s God, was able to sustain herself and Naomi in a difficult time. Then the Lord gave Ruth favor with one of her near kinsmen named Boaz, and she became his wife. Boaz was a man of high standing is Israel and him choosing Ruth, a Moabite woman to marry was not normal. But Ruth’s faith in God and dedication to her mother-in-law impressed many in Bethlehem, especially Boaz. And I say even the Lord was impressed. When people trust in God regardless of their circumstances and conditions they are putting themselves in a position to touch God’s heart.

A Child’s faith

God tells Samuel that I have found a man after my own heart (1 Samuel 13:14 and chapter 16, NIV), whom I will appoint over my people. He was not a man yet, but the youngest son of Jessie, David. As the popular songster Marvin Saps says, God sees the best in us. As a young man, David touched God’s heart when he fought the bear and the lion in the name of the Lord for his father’s sheep (1 Samuel chapter 17). And when Saul and David’s older brothers’ were afraid of the giant Goliath, David proclaimed I will kill him in the name of the Lord.

David maintain his child like in faith in God even when Saul was chasing him and wanted to kill. More than once he could have killed Saul, but he told his men he could not put his hand on God’s anointed. Yes, that touch God’s heart.

Closing thoughts

So to touch God’s heart, we must start when we are young or do we. In Matthew 18, the disciples’ of Jesus asked him who would be the greatest person in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus told them unless they changed and become like little children, they would never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So even though we are old, we can change, and start following and trusting in God like little children. And we can touch God’s heart.

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